labour distribution

英 [ˈleɪbə(r) ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn] 美 [ˈleɪbər ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn]




  1. Models of Labour Distribution in Railway Transportation System
  2. The effect of the movement of rural labour on the earning distribution of rural commons in Guizhou
  3. A recent study of the labour market suggests that had the distribution of unemployed workers following the 1982 recession looked like the current distribution, recovery could have taken twice as long.
  4. Efforts to improve income in the national income, increase the proportion of Labour remuneration in primary distribution of income.
  5. Understanding scientifically the relation between labour theory of value and distribution according to production factors;
  6. Resident Labour Income Effect on the pattern of Function Income Distribution
  7. Reform of the three systems of labour, personnel and distribution is one important move for scientific research units to seek existence and development.
  8. Duality of labour, which is the new feature of knowledge labour commodity leads to the reform of title and distribution system.
  9. The relationship of labour value theory and distribution is the reflection of production and distribution.
  10. The realization of labour's ownership refers to the owner of laborers'participation in the distribution of the residual production.
  11. Differences among labour force prices is the important reason for uneven distribution of higher educated labours among industries.
  12. New theory of military labour value and the system innovation of armyman's income distribution
  13. The thesis takes a Factory as an example, by means of Linear Programming, and analyzes the production arrangement on condition that labour force can relegate or not, then proves that the flexibility in labour force distribution can increase profit of enterprise markedly.
  14. The paper, on the base of analyzing the principle that labour income distribution can stimulate efficiency, explores the theoretical foundation for the existence of diversified distribution modes of labour income from the angle of economics.
  15. On the basis of the analysis of the problems existed in the process of the reform of distribution system, this paper puts forward a few constructive measures to hope playing positive roles in the course of reforms of labour, personel and distribution systems.
  16. Marx's labour theory of value cannot be denied by distribution according to production factors or vice versa.
  17. Changes in Labour Force Distribution and Urban Spatial Reconstruction in Shanghai
  18. We practise low cost of labour force principle in the first distribution of our national income, and probability of labour distribution is low.
  19. The relationship between labour force value compensation and "distribution according to work";
  20. Full economic accounting of a enterprise is the prerequisite and base of reformation of labour system and distribution system.
  21. Military labour capital and armyman's income distribution
  22. Reform of the labour, personnel and distribution systems& objectives, establishment of a competitive mechanism and difficulties
  23. This article analyses the basic condition of labour employment of Tianshui includes population's quantity, quality, industrial distribution and changes of the distribution of the third industry.
  24. Marxist theory on labour values has no tuner relations with means of distribution according to work.
  25. Moreover, the development of labour business economy can produce certain influence to income distribution, by adjusting the difference of income distribution finally simulate fast increase of peasants 'income.
  26. The thoroughly change about the management of labour and personal matters and salary distribution in the Jiangxi Copper Company will be achieved step by step
  27. The creation of value mainly solves the problems of whether labour creates value and how much value it creates. Distribution of value mainly deals with how to distribute the value created.
  28. Among three traditional production factors i.e. capital, labour force and land, the research on the utilization condition and distribution efficiency of land is scantily done in modern economics.
  29. Fixed capital, free labour, rational special labour and labour unite, labour service distribution of pure circulate economy, and rational management based on the capitalism seeking profits economic are the essential characteristics of capitalism economy.